- Jun 11 2017 Crossword Answer - Jun 11 2017 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
''12 Days of Christmas'' octet MAIDS
''Allure'' alternative ELLE
''Elder'' Roman historian PLINY
''Enough already!'' OKOK
''Evita'' narrator CHE
''Maleficent'' star JOLIE
''Tasmanian'' beast DEVIL
''The King and I'' actress KERR
'70s vice president AGNEW
'90s vice president GORE
) or (, for short PAREN
20 fivers CNOTE
57 Down predecessors PDAS
A/C capacity measures BTUS
Absorbs, with ''up'' SOPS
Actor who was knighted kilt-clad in 2000 CONNERY
Alternative to corn syrup SUGAR
Alternatively ELSE
AMA members DRS
Anchor-store department MENS
Apt to topple UNSTABLE
Ascertains LEARNS
Associate of Sulu and Chekov UHURA
Ballet leaps JETES
Be a carper CAVIL
Bolognese bye-bye CIAO
Bully, at times NAMECALLER
Canadian length measure METRE
Candidate of 2008 MCCAIN
Chew like a rodent GNAW
City on the Rhein KOLN
Clairvoyant ability MINDREADING
Clipper crew HANDS
Compass reading ENE
Confirms, as a password RETYPES
Couturier Geoffrey BEENE
Crime lab procedure DNATEST
Crunchy ice-cream ingredient OREO
Demolish RUIN
Director Boyle DANNY
Disney film franchise STARWARS
Disposed (to) PRONE
Dodger Hall of Famer ROBINSON
Donut shape TORUS
Drying device CLOTHESLINE
Dude BRO
Eat into ERODE
Edible sample TASTE
Election official VOTECOUNTER
Elm by-product SHADE
Email listing ADDRESSBOOK
Equals ARE
Exchange quips SPAR
Explorer for George III COOK
FDR's European commander DDE
Feel the presence of SENSE
First light SUNRISE
Forms of 10 Across CUBES
Fresh talk SASS
Gawdy jewelry BLING
Genetic attribute TRAIT
Goodwill AMITY
Grocery checkout display GUMS
Hidden downside CATCH
In the know about UPON
Included with AMONG
Indiana Jones phobia SNAKES
Initiates OPENS
Clues Answers
Is worried FRETS
Italian bread CIABATTA
Just now NEWLY
Key next to G AFLAT
Key of Beethoven's fifth CMINOR
Light source for digital clocks DIODE
Like leprechauns IRISH
London's Broadway WESTEND
Luau greeting ALOHA
Madame Tussaud MARIE
Make merry CAVORT
Making eyes at OGLING
Mardi Gras follower LENT
Masked mammals RACCOONS
May honorees MOMS
Mexican ranch HACIENDA
MLB semifinal NLCS
Modern class-notes holders IPADS
Most significant MAIN
Musical battlers BANDS
New England Ivy Leaguers ELIS
Newborn BABE
Newspaper essays OPEDS
No-win result DRAW
One of the Channel Islands GUERNSEY
Orchestral section BRASS
Outskirts of Sioux Falls ESSES
Overstuffs GLUTS
Oxen harnesses YOKES
Picnic intruders ANTS
Porcupine quill SPINE
Possible crime scene evidence TIRETRACKS
Press session, for short QANDA
Publicity gambit STUNT
Racing bike selections GEARS
Restaurant, or its patron DINER
Reusable fastener CLIP
Riveted with attention RAPT
Rms. for rent APTS
Romance novelist Roberts NORA
Roomy bag TOTE
Russian-born artist ERTE
Ryder rival UHAUL
Scales in the sky LIBRA
Scandinavian sedan SAAB
Sch. near Beverly Hills UCLA
Script dialogue LINES
Set as a price ASK
Shade of purple PUCE
Show clearly PROVE
Show scorn SNEER
Spanning OVER
Special Forces wear BERETS
Stretch out ELONGATE
Substance on sandpaper GRIT
Succulent JUICY
Supreme joy BLISS
Takes seriously HEEDS
Talks too much YAPS
The brain, in computerese WETWARE
Timely blessing BOON
Troop groups SQUADS
Unrivaled ALONE
Utopias EDENS
What a teacher's tenure provides JOBSECURITY
What hoops may hang from EARLOBES
Where edelweiss may be found ALP
Where the elated walk ONAIR

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