- Jun 13 2017 Crossword Answer - Jun 13 2017 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
''Don't you agree?'' ISNTIT
''Now I see!'' AHA
''Sugar is sweet, and __ you'' SOARE
''What a shame!'' SOSAD
Abound (with) TEEM
Aroma ODOR
Auth. unknown ANON
Aware of ONTO
Baby hooting bird OWLET
Baking chambers OVENS
Become inedible SPOIL
Big Aussie birds EMUS
Book of photos ALBUM
Bowl-shaped roof DOME
Boy Scout group TROOP
Brief role for a star CAMEO
Bring in from the cropland REAP
Camel's South American cousin LLAMA
Chapter of history ERA
Circus structure TENT
Clickable computer symbol ICON
Close noisily SLAM
Condiment in shakers SALT
CPR experts EMTS
Deal negotiator AGENT
Des Moines' state IOWA
Discount event SALE
Elm or eucalyptus TREE
Facts and figures DATA
Fed. workplace monitor OSHA
Fem.'s opposite MASC
Female singing voice ALTO
Found a purpose for USED
French-style pancakes CREPES
Full collections SETS
Golfer's short stroke PUTT
Group being played against ANTAGONISTS
Group being played against THEOPPOSINGTEAM
Group being played against COMPETITORS
Clues Answers
Had a sample of TRIED
Hooded jacket PARKA
Infield cover TARP
Jar topper LID
Just published NEW
King's __ (much money) RANSOM
Laundry appliance IRON
Layer of paint COAT
Lendl of tennis IVAN
Mexican chip NACHO
Mythology with Odin and Thor NORSE
New Delhi's land INDIA
Not any NONE
Not far from NEARTO
Portable liquor holders FLASKS
Provide with attire CLOTHE
Rigidly formal PRIM
Ringo of the Beatles STARR
Ripped TORE
Ship's poles MASTS
Showroom model DEMO
Sixth sense, for short ESP
Sloping walkway RAMP
Soldier's ''Stop!'' HALT
Source for fries POTATO
Southern Arizona city TUCSON
Spouses MATES
Stuff found in bran FIBER
Takes as one's own ADOPTS
Taking to court SUING
Thoroughfare STREET
Three Bears female MAMA
Under the weather ILL
Voice inflection TONE
Western Florida city TAMPA
What a key fits into LOCK
Widely recognized KNOWN
__ in the woods (innocent one) BABE
__ once (suddenly) ALLAT

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