Universal - Jan 24 2017 Crossword Answer

Universal - Jan 24 2017 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
"As ___ on TV!" SEEN
"Devil With ___ Dress On" ABLUE
"Well, ___-di-dah" LAH
"___ in a million years!" NOT
"___ to a Nightingale" ODE
Angler's gear NET
Answered all test questions perfectly ACED
Application inquiry AGE
As ___ (letter closing) EVER
Athlete's lasting power STAMINA
Bakery offering BUN
Big-time tire maker GOODYEAR
Brief vacation GETAWAY
Buckwheat cereal KASHA
Car with legroom SEDAN
Cinders container ASHCAN
Critter that plays dead OPOSSUM
Diamond or ruby GEM
Doing business OPEN
Eggy Christmas drink NOG
Eve slept here EDEN
Fabric from DuPont ORLON
Fertilizer from bats GUANO
Fits with sails RIGS
Gambler's giveaway TELL
Gave generously DONATED
Guitarist for Michael Jackson, once TITO
Horizontal graph line XAXIS
Jungle primates APES
Light hit TAP
Like 1, 37 or 199 ODD
Like an overused oven? SMOKY
Like the best old-school rock CLASSIC
Lithium-___ battery ION
Load on board LADE
Monopoly phrase with "Jail" GOTO
Most fit for the draft ONEA
New York city UTICA
Clues Answers
Nursery school enrollee TOT
One sporting dreadlocks RASTA
Part of a teapot SPOUT
Playing hard-to-get COY
Poisons TOXINS
Possessed KEPT
Pranksters HOAXERS
Rose piece PETAL
Scientific Sir Isaac NEWTON
Seat in a cathedral PEW
Sharpie tip, e.g NIB
Shrewdness ACUMEN
Slobbers DROOLS
Some pass catchers ENDS
Stickler for perfection PURIST
Suitable for the job APT
Surprising way to be taken? ABACK
Tai ___ (martial art type) CHI
The only thing in an empty bottle AIR
The write stuff INK
They come marching in, in song SAINTS
They deserve respect ELDERS
Thing for an English barrister PERIWIG
Thing screamed at a villain or blind ump BOO
This plus that THOSE
Trickery GUILE
Turn over, as land CEDE
TV show unit EPISODE
Use the bow, to a cellist ARCO
Verizon is one TELCO
Way of the East TAO
Wharton degree MBA
When Buzz Aldrin is elated, he is .. OVERTHEMOON
When Donald Trump won the election, he felt .. EXHILARATED
When Lil Wayne is happy, he feels .. ENRAPTURED
When Mr. Tebow is hopeful, he feels .. OPTIMISTIC
When planes are expected to land, informally ETAS
With no need for an estimation EXACT
___ out a living (gets by) EKES

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