Irish Times (Crosaire) - Sep 4 2019 Crossword Answer

Irish Times (Crosaire) - Sep 4 2019 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
Mouthy type in ring offers protection to boxer working on a lead in the security business GUARDDOG
Ocean liner is presumably supposed to support 19 down SAND
Oriental provides wrong answer in moral exercise putting Chinese to the test ORALEXAM
Put into words chapter about regiment PHRASE
Rip off cold and hot pork trimmed on top CHEAT
Shift going on strike in Takeaway CARRYOUT
Similar to what's in 10 across keeping The House from falling CEMENT
Singing style of Sam Browne around local American fire is second to none BELCANTO
Smart Alec misses alert of fraud SCAM
Spy on honey producer mouthing off at a wake BEWATCHFUL
State caught off guard by what the British prince, for example, might want to get his hands on THRONE
State of firm with middleman consumed by almighty row at the centre COLORADO
The flighty types that get blown up out of all proportion by The Party regulars that are full of air BALLOONS
They arrange the beds for Trim young lads and high-flyers coming back during academic period OYSTERFARM
Clues Answers
A pitch for Coldplay to open Band Aid CAMP
Adore novel following K in The Trial ORDEAL
Another Monet found in Leinster - almost a gambling mecca MONTECARLO
Boyfriend sacrifices fiery relationship BOND
Calculate the number of coppers looking for blood from individual's doctor (5,3'1,6) COUNTONESCHANGE
Central to Franz Josef I shaping angle FISH
Code, for example, discovered in advance LEGEND
Confining the movement of the bullish types in public agencies CAGE
Emigrant loses it, in a manner of speaking, in Munich GERMAN
Get engaged to Pole starting off and then break up TAKEPART
Is responsible for 11 across securing the movement overseas ANCHOR
Like 4 down, short local film with introduction to The Troubles CONFLICT
Looking back, the foreign method for measuring ratio by Newton is a quick one NIMBLE
Memory can't jog what one heard listening to the match COMMENTARY

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