Jonesin' - Sep 3 2019 Crossword Answer

Jonesin' - Sep 3 2019 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
Go bad ROT
Icy core? CEE
Imperturbable ones STOICS
In opposition AVERSELY
It may be passive VOICE
It may come in a kit MEAL
Lend an ear LISTEN
Leonard of the NBA KAWHI
Make harmonious ATTUNE
Make ___ (profit) AMINT
Match ender TKO
May follower JUN
Mythical chalices GRAILS
Nickname for two Spice Girls MEL
Olympic event with swords EPEE
One usually grouped by sixteens OUNCE
Oscar winner Matlin MARLEE
Paint swatch option HUE
Place for wallowing STY
Post-bath powder TALC
Really clean SCRUB
Repertoire, so to speak BAGOFTRICKS
Revolution outcome COUP
Scottish town BURGH
Shark sort MAKO
Singer Rita ORA
Single, double, or triple BASEHIT
Skater ___ Anton Ohno APOLO
Stringed instruments? YOYOS
Surname said a lot by Snape POTTER
The same old thing RUT
They're not too risky SAFEBETS
Tree of Life, in 'The Lion King' BAOBAB
Wasabi ___ PEA
Winning once again BACKONTOP
Wish earnestly HOPE
___ con pollo ARROZ
___-Hulk (Marvel superheroine) SHE
___-Magnon CRO
Clues Answers
'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' airer, once UPN
'Champagne Supernova' group OASIS
'Forever' purchase STAMP
'Hamilton' home, casually BWAY
'If You Leave' band, for short OMD
'Lost in Translation' director Coppola SOFIA
'MST3K' fodder BMOVIE
'Ni ___' ('Hello' in Chinese) HAO
'South Park' little brother IKE
'That is,' to Caesar IDEST
115, in Roman numerals CXV
1970s rock genre GLAM
Arched foot part INSTEP
Arm of a sea INLET
Aural entertainment now mostly obsolete BOOKSONTAPE
Banned pollutants, briefly PCBS
Baseball's Matty or Felipe ALOU
Blue ball? TWO
Brewhouse offering BEERONTAP
Button used mostly in the morning SNOOZE
By ___ (barely) ANOSE
Calendar pgs MOS
Carter and Copland, e.g AARONS
Computer language used in business COBOL
Craft store bundle YARN
Daily ___ (political blog) KOS
Disco ___ ('The Simpsons' character) STU
Double curves ESSES
Easy crockpot dish STEW
Engine power source STEAM
Enter via ship SAILINTO
Established law STATUTE
Fifth scale note SOL
Figure skater Henie SONJA
Four-line rhyme scheme ABAA
Galicia gala FIESTA
Galoot APE

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