Irish Times (Crosaire) - Jan 3 2020 Crossword Answer

Irish Times (Crosaire) - Jan 3 2020 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
Museum display of Socialist Realism, for example, set-up by dealer TRADER
Narrates introductions for radical editions and that matters RECOUNTS
Notes taken at theatrical venue perhaps handed over by those in attendance GATERECEIPTS
Opens to a knock from one of those capable of causing quite a stir TEASPOON
Provoke dietician to release aid INCITE
Rips coat playing in the orchard APRICOTS
Signs of indifference in a line from languishers SHRUGS
Strikingly unconventional engineering associated with toxic mixture EXOTIC
Those hoping to take seats for the party, unofficially open 18 across at Conservative Breakfast for meat consumers GATECRASHERS
To have let it - cheered up heading off LEASED
To sum up, offers blow over ecstasy at college RECAP
Tries for a part after writing Alien and the more grippy parts of The Transporter? RETREADS
Uncover revolutionary, for example, rising in party DREDGEUP
Wise woman protects Tablet when her pint ends up on the floor SPILLAGE
Clues Answers
Cold pig meat from Gulf served up with a fair amount of undiluted drink CHAMPAGNE
Don't object to performance covering Coldplay's first record ACCEPT
Education programme for detectives open to debate DISCOURSE
Finished with a Greek character always the one exceeding expectations OVERACHIEVER
First episodes with spoilt models PILOTS
For those departing flighty types with one-third of 14 across from society GATES
Had the measure of fool spilling seeds ASSESSED
It's about vet in study again REEXAMINE
It's odd coming off side-road in that get-up ARISE
Loss of nerve in Cork is nothing new for those going walkabout perhaps COLDFEET
Love bites best ignored, as that one's a bit green OLIVE
Loving proposal? TENDER
Many French monarchs had this name for a fair amount of Indian area on Texas border LOUISIANA
Motorcade for Clay? Those trained to fight are expected to leave their stamp on it presumably! PARADEGROUND

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