L.A. Times Daily - Jan 3 2020 Crossword Answer

L.A. Times Daily - Jan 3 2020 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
Military directive? BATTLINGORDER
Modern capacity measure DISKSPACE
Monks' homes ABBEYS
Of past times OLDEN
Offer from one unwilling to negotiate? STICKLERPRICE
Old calculators ABACI
Old ending for "Motor" OLA
One for the road SIGN
Overdone TRITE
Part of a needle EYE
Pass out SWOON
Passionate ARDENT
Poetic black EBON
Prepare to fly, maybe TAXI
Put between INTERPOSE
Put on, as a high shelf SETATOP
Restaurant menu heading REDS
Ride available via mobile app UBERCAR
Showgirl of song LOLA
Southend-__ ONSEA
Sports headwear retailer LIDS
Spring time APRIL
Street organ feature CRANK
Take __: swim ADIP
Travel prefix with méxico and perú AERO
Tributes in verse ODES
Type of battery ALKALINE
Variety ARRAY
Warning service co-coordinated by FEMA EAS
Women's links gp LPGA
Wooden shoe sailor NOD
Worshipped object IDOL
__ Park, Colorado ESTES
Clues Answers
"Already taken care of" IDID
"Finding __": 2016 sequel DORY
"Oliver Twist" food GRUEL
Actuary's specialty RISK
Always, to a poet EER
Another name for the five-second rule of dropped food? MORSELCODE
Army gear, briefly CAMO
Bad intentions MALICE
Bartolo in "The Barber of Seville," e.g BASSO
Be flexible ADAPT
Calendar period that 17-, 22-, 44- and 54-Across are celebrating? LWEEK
Charlie Brown's "Darn!" RATS
Chicago Outfit gangster CAPONE
Coherent LUCID
Comic strip dog ODIE
Create opportunities OPENDOORS
Dreyer's, east of the Rockies EDYS
Egyptian president __ Fattah el-Sisi ABDEL
Fabled loch NESS
First owner of the expansion Los Angeles Angels AUTRY
Flash __ MOB
Garage sale term ASIS
Greet with howls, as the moon BAYAT
Group of online pages SITE
Half a stringed instrument GURDY
He played Dirty Harry CLINT
Hot __ MIC
Indigenes NATIVES
Investment gains RETURNS
Joplin's "Me and Bobby __" MCGEE
Ladybug's lunch APHID
Lawyer's missing text? LOSTCLAUSE
Lenovo rival DELL
Like guilt-trippers, say TOXIC
Loughlin of "Full House" LORI
Makeshift blade SHIV

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