- Apr 5 2020 Crossword Answer - Apr 5 2020 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
I love: Lat AMO
ID on a dust jacket ISBN
Impolite stare LEER
Inventor Howe ELIAS
Irish New Age singer ENYA
Journey segment LEG
Kitten sound MEW
Long-legged wader EGRET
Makes a blunder ERRS
Maui and Kauai ISLES
Military greeting SALUTE
Modest dwellings HUTS
Mr. Van Winkle RIP
Mule's sire ASS
Multicolored mineral AGATE
Musical postscript CODA
Musk of Tesla ELON
Name on a ''Rocketman'' poster ELTON
Neighbor of Lithuania LATVIA
Not simulated ACTUAL
Outback bird EMU
Outpourings FLOODS
Owned by us OUR
Parisian pal AMI
Part of a full house PAIR
Part of speech NOUN
Pitcher's woe SOREARM
Polished off ATE
Pop singer Del Rey LANA
Postseason award in many sports MOSTVALUABLEPLAYER
Quebec neighbor VERMONT
Regatta racer YACHT
Remarkable thing PIP
Restore to health CURE
Rodeo bovine STEER
Seat for a toddler LAP
Silent signals of approval NODS
Small jazz group TRIO
Small shovel SPADE
Smell, for one SENSE
Snakes seen by Indiana Jones ASPS
Some GPS lines STS
Something baffling ENIGMA
Something to sketch in PAD
Sort of small swallow SIP
Sounded reasonable RANGTRUE
Speed test RACE
Suffix for social ITE
Surface boundary EDGE
Swampy ground FEN
Talk too much YAP
The Silver St NEV
Top heavyweight, e.g WORLDCHAMPIONBOXER
Tra-__ LALA
Trunk chopper AXE
Turnpike charge TOLL
Undergrad degs BAS
Underline or italicize STRESS
Value highly ESTEEM
Verse of tribute ODE
Very much ALOT
Vowel sound in ''stand'' SHORTA
Watchdog's warning SNARL
What pirates call their vessels HER
Wiggle room LEEWAY
Wise sayings ADAGES
Without a markup ATCOST
Without peer ALONE
Wood-shop shaver PLANE
Word in the definition of ''anyone'' PERSON
__ Baba ALI
Clues Answers
''Dancing With the Stars'' step TANGO
''Encore!'' MORE
''Hmm . . .'' LETSSEE
''Tall'' yarn TALE
''What a shame!'' ALAS
1-800-___-RAIL (Amtrak's number) USA
Abounds (with) TEEMS
Actor Epps or Sharif OMAR
Adjective for ''imitation'' PALE
AFB truant AWOL
After-work hangout PIANOBAR
Animal rights org SPCA
Antivirus software brand NORTON
Audibly ALOUD
Authorizes ALLOWS
Avid about INTO
Avocado-shaped OVAL
Baseball great Ripken CAL
Bear in constellations URSA
Beginning from ASOF
Big Apple's firefighters NEWYORKSBRAVEST
Brad Pitt award for 2019 BESTSUPPORTINGACTOR
Brussels-based alliance NATO
Caesar's rebuke ETTU
Casino cube DIE
Cast portrayal ROLE
Catch red-handed NAIL
Ceaseless ETERNAL
Charlie Brown lament RATS
Clairvoyance, for short ESP
Class outing, often BUSTRIP
Coast guard vehicle PATROLBOAT
Comics canine OTTO
Competition CONTEST
Connection point NODE
Considers with care WEIGHS
Covered, as with gold PLATED
Crowd around MOB
Curly-haired pet POODLE
Danson of TV TED
Delicate trim LACE
Demographic cohort, for short GEN
Diving board's spot DEEPEND
Dog groomer's treatment FLEADIP
Dutch cheese GOUDA
Emulating ALA
Enraged LIVID
Erstwhile space station MIR
Evening, in ads NITE
Excitement AROUSAL
Exclamation of frustration GRR
Extended family CLAN
Exuberant feeling GLEE
Federal inspection agcy TSA
Feel sorrow MOURN
Female rabbit DOE
Fierce fighter TIGER
Fill with joy ELATE
Finger-pointing uncle SAM
Forest youngster BEARCUB
Former rival of Volvo SAAB
Fossil site in Los Angeles LABREA
Gel-yielding plant ALOE
Genesis 6 construction ARK
Getting soaked, in a way OVERPAYING
Ghana's capital ACCRA
Glacial period ICEAGE
Grade school support grps PTAS
Has staying power LASTS
Hawkeye Pierce portrayer ALDA
High fashion monogram YSL
Hole-punching tool AWL
Hunter's garb, for short CAMO

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