- Jul 5 2020 Crossword Answer - Jul 5 2020 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
Moves at retail SELLS
Musher's vehicle SLED
Musical releases ALBUMS
Nation east of Jamaica HAITI
Not as rainy DRIER
Not falling for ONTO
NY college that opened July 4, 1802 USMILITARYACADEMY
Omit from pronunciation ELIDE
Part of Einstein's equation MASS
Patriotic song first published as a poem July 4, 1895 AMERICATHEBEAUTIFUL
Peruvian range ANDES
Phone panel images ICONS
Poetic foot IAMB
Pool partition LANE
Porous gem OPAL
Portrait medium OIL
Pringles alternative LAYS
Protrudes JUTS
Pussy-cat's poetic partner OWL
Put up BUILD
QB's triumphs TDS
Queen Anne's House STUART
Ranked in a tourney SEEDED
Records that may be ''personal'' BESTS
Removal instruction DELE
Samuel Beckett's no-show GODOT
Sandpaper spec COARSE
School founded by Booker T. Washington July 4, 1881 TUSKEGEEINSTITUTE
Science classrooms LABS
Set aside ALLOT
Seuss environmentalist LORAX
Ship's bottom HULL
Sky hue AZURE
Slalom course, essentially CURVES
Sorority letter PSI
South Beach city MIAMI
Spend futilely WASTE
Stand for meeting rooms EASEL
Start of Alaskan zip codes NINE
Start to awaken STIR
State with a 2020 bicentennial MAINE
Storied soul seller FAUST
Sudan neighbor CHAD
Suffix for star LET
Suggests strongly URGES
Swirling water EDDY
Taken __ (astonished) ABACK
The original reindeer namer MOORE
They often work around the clock HANDS
Tiniest bit IOTA
Tool in a trunk JACK
Tot's wheels TRIKE
Touch upon ABUT
Town adjacent to Windsor ETON
Trailblazing folk hero BOONE
Tuba material BRASS
Twin columnists born July 4, 1918 ANNLANDERSANDDEARABBY
Typical Delhian HINDU
Uncolorful DRAB
Uncool ones BORES
Unexpected inconvenience SNAG
Unreliable one LIAR
Utility bill extra INSERT
Venerated village leader ELDER
Villainous visage LEER
Voice of Apple SIRI
Walk casually AMBLE
Westernmost continental Europe IBERIA
Winter coat SNOW
With nothing to do IDLE
Worker's compensation WAGE
Zebra colt's mother MARE
''. . . __ the cows come home'' TIL
''For __ a jolly good fellow'' HES
''Infinite'' descriptor of black holes DENSE
''Mulligan'' meal STEW
''Rumor __ it . . .'' HAS
''That __ hurt a bit!'' DIDNT
''__ number one!'' WERE
A Van Gogh home ARLES
About to bloom INBUD
Ancient board game CHESS
Any song on Elvis Radio OLDIE
Auto frame material STEEL
Avocado-shaped OVAL
Backpacker's shelter TENT
Bags in a grocery bag TEA
Bakery by-product AROMA
Ball-bearing peg TEE
Be of use AVAIL
Beachhouse selling point VIEW
Before now PRIOR
Big screen format IMAX
Bit of cauliflower FLORET
Bit of hair gel DAB
Bracelet bauble CHARM
Brought onboard HIRED
Bus alternative UBER
California's Big __ SUR
Camp beds COTS
Capitol Hill helper-outer PAGE
Capitol Hill helper-outers AIDES
Cavalry officer's blade SABER
Christmas carol octet MAIDS
Clamorous NOISY
Coffee holders URNS
Coin of Yemen RIAL
Colonial capital founded July 4, 1636 PROVIDENCERHODEISLAND
Contraction heard in the first ''Jazz Singer'' AINT
Coral structures REEFS
Court assessments FINES
Covert meeting TRYST
Crossed marks EXES
Cut (off) LOP
Defiant talk SASS
Druid, for example PAGAN
Dull sound THUD
Elastic straps around socks GARTERS
Evil spells HEXES
Extreme opposite of ''nutritious'' TOXIC
Family guy's nickname PAPA
Film genre DRAMA
Flamboyant tie ASCOT
Flimsy WEAK
Floor covering RUGS
Fly-fisher's move CAST
Go off course VEER
Gobi Desert locale ASIA
Grandson of Esau OMAR
Half a sneaker set SHOE
In a devious manner SLYLY
Inspires, with ''up'' FIRES
Intense spirit ARDOR
Keep hidden CLOAK
Last flower in the first section of a botanical dictionary AZALEA
Less than rigorous LAX
Long and lean RANGY
Love to bits ADORE
Lower oneself DEIGN
Marisa in Spider-Man movies TOMEI
Metaphor for control REINS
Metrical tributes ODES
More arduous HARDER
More than enough AMPLE
Mountain evergreen CEDAR

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