The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic No 27447 Crossword Answer

The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic No 27447 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
Revealing blouse might be tough for ladies to get into low-cut
Right to feed English dog bread that’s disgusting REPUGNANT
Scrap involving Labour politicians in the past LEFTOVER
See a Greek MP rallying workers on estate GAMEKEEPERS
Sheriff’s grass keeping mum LAWMAN
Short skirts getting shorter? Too bad! tut-tut
Simple creature to pursue revolutionary ancient custom WOODLOUSE
Soldiers needing medic, subject to stress: most faint REMOTEST
Solid girl placed in sink to the left PYRAMID
Some poem confused with orator Cicero’s observation o tempora o mores
To recap, not always out to be understood? in sum
What one can see through stone blocks VISTA
What you find at bottom of the author’s bunk! my foot
Who’s reading this letter out loud? YOU
Writer going into horrific detail about monk’s end GORKY
Clues Answers
All pieces for playing with at five o’clock must go in box chess set
Art master’s responsibility, taking class for one REMBRANDT
As end of chapter, closed book QUARTO
Athletic event’s hard work: miss start also having entered hop skip and jump
Celebrate noisily with band: I arranged backing whoop it up
Deny site could become an urban sprawl TYNESIDE
Edge of wheel discovered to have shrivelled up SIDLE
English town’s fresh flood defence NEWARK
Enough to swap tips with lover of old illustrations EXEMPLA
Guards collecting old clubs, lifting one each? score draw
In school on Thursday: a dance and whatnot THINGAMAJIG
Join by tying knot marry into
Long forgotten, maybe, or needing no introduction OLDEN
Out of bed around noon, for one’s release UNPEG
Quite a posh residence in the East End? ALL

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