The Times - Cryptic - Times Quick Cryptic No 1432 Crossword Answer

The Times - Cryptic - Times Quick Cryptic No 1432 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
Priests struggling to keep going PERSIST
Relative calmness ultimately exists SIS
Reveal plug for spectacular production SHOWSTOPPER
Somewhere to live? Bingo! HOUSE
Stage assistant part of the furniture? DRESSER
Talk about athletics event, summer's first DISCUSS
Terror around the structure of a wing FEATHER
Top teaser puzzling, wife admitted SWEATER
Treasures are so fancy, five hundred nicked ADORES
Type of apple in a tree, damaged EATER
Unconventional items approaching traditional crossroads in New York times square
Yours truly fled country in Western Asia IRAN
Clues Answers
A blooming thing happened AROSE
Are those seen in Mali on safari? LIONS
Arm commanding officer and lieutenant COLT
Grand-scale composition of Elgar LARGE
High standard correspondence, though not originally QUALITY
Hurt serving on panel? INJURY
I am into Italian poet, glittering stuff DIAMANTE
In bloom, a happy US city OMAHA
Lift head up, getting first prize JACKPOT
Love of French poem ODE
Loveless, Joe has a wretched, resentful feeling JEALOUSY
Name is wrong, right class SEMINAR

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