Universal - Jan 3 2020 Crossword Answer

Universal - Jan 3 2020 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
Glass cover in a Sylvia Plath title BELLJAR
Grasp HOLD
Hearty's partner HALE
High school class, or its venue GYM
How villains behave EVILLY
It's bashed at some bashes (... 1-3) PINATA
Its 2019 mystery flavor was Churro OREO
Justice Samuel ALITO
Layers (... 1-3) TIERS
Like a bad roof LEAKY
London drizzle features? ZEDS
Low point NADIR
Make a member (letters 3-6 + ...) INDUCT
Matterhorn or Mont Blanc ALP
Molecule with A, T, G and C bases DNA
Monopolize HOG
More frilly LACIER
Morsel in a lox and bagel sandwich CAPER
Niger neighbor MALI
Not needing a comb BALD
Parlor design, briefly TAT
Part of a sound system, once (... 1-4) TAPEDECK
Quintet minus two TRIO
Side length squared, for a square AREA
Small talk (letters 6-8 + ...) CHITCHAT
Some are flat-screen TVS
Sound in a salon SNIP
Sounded, as a toy train TOOTED
Story surprise (letters 5-9 + ...) PLOTTWIST
Sun-___ raisins MAID
They all led to Rome ROADS
USS Enterprise, for one STARSHIP
Warning, in Oaxaca AVISO
Water barrier DIKE
Winner, informally CHAMP
Word after "half-baked" or "concrete" IDEA
___ center REC
Clues Answers
"... ___ he drove out of sight" ERE
"Certainement!" OUI
"Hamlet" has five ACTS
"Likewise," more formally ASDOI
"___ du lieber!" ACH
"___ never fly!" ITLL
A kid may connect them DOTS
A proverbial cat has nine LIVES
Absurd INANE
Actress Poehler AMY
Actress Vardalos NIA
Auction actions BIDS
Autumn bloomer ASTER
Backyard building SHED
Barbershop that either cheats you or gives you what you paid for? (... 1-4) CLIPJOINT
Be behind OWE
Bike security device LOCK
Bird that can run 40+ miles per hour OSTRICH
Came across MET
Certain primate APE
Check, as the tide STEM
Committee head (letters 2-5 + ...) CHAIR
Compensates PAYS
Cooking oil brand MAZOLA
Deep black INKY
Difficult responsibility ONUS
Driver's license and others IDS
Drives back REPELS
Dundee denial NAE
Earn after deductions TAKEHOME
Florence flooder ARNO
Flourish THRIVE
Foot, for one UNIT
Former ruler whose plural is a palindrome SHAH
Getty or Rockefeller OILBARON
Gladiator fight sites ARENAS

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