USA Today - Jan 3 2020 Crossword Answer

USA Today - Jan 3 2020 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
Loads ATON
Long-handled gardening tool HOE
Lowest possible attendance NOONE
Melody TUNE
Metal deposits ORES
Miembro de una familia TIA
Noodle soup from Vietnam PHO
Painting of Venus, often NUDE
Palindrome in Iranian political history SHAHS
Percussionist's time to shine DRUMSOLO
Phoenix ballers SUNS
Pittsburgh NFLer STEELER
Prefix for 'metric' or 'morphic' ISO
Repeating sound effect ECHO
School founded by Henry VI ETON
Secluded valleys GLENS
Sept. preceder AUG
Series in which Gandalf appears, for short LOTR
Sheepskin boots UGGS
Short sleep NAP
Singer Mann AIMEE
Some Korean cars KIAS
Southeast ___ (region home to Laos) ASIA
Stands up to FACES
Stares GAPES
Sty denizen PIG
Sums of savings FUNDS
Texas cemetery site ALAMO
Traveled upon RODE
Unpleasantly damp DANK
Upper echelon of celebrity ALIST
Voice above 6-Down ALTO
Voice below 44-Down TENOR
Warning sound SIREN
Word outgrown by Romeo and Bow Wow LIL
___ of honor MAID
___/her pronouns SHE
Clues Answers
'A Visit From the Goon Squad' author Jennifer EGAN
'Close, but no ___' CIGAR
'Here ___ nothing!' GOES
'I'd rather not talk about it' DONTASK
'Um, sure?' IGUESSSO
'wut!?' OMG
2019's Outstanding Comedy Series Emmy winner FLEABAG
Actor McKellen IAN
Actor Penn who taught at Penn KAL
Alliterative Halloween getup KINGKONGCOSTUME
Alliterative prank DINGDONGDITCH
Alliterative sporting equipment PINGPONGPADDLES
Arguments in favor PROS
Break things off ENDIT
Caesar wrap TOGA
Causing to fall TOPPLING
Christmas carol contraction TIS
Chuckle syllable HEH
Come to a ___ in the road FORK
Documentarian Burns KEN
Drench SOAK
Every ___ and cranny NOOK
Fairy-tale beastie OGRE
Fast-moving objects, in cartoons BLURS
Feeling your ___ (horse-inspired idiom) OATS
Feminist org. with an urgent-sounding acronym NOW
Folktales, e.g LORE
French farewell ADIEU
Gal in the movies GADOT
Green-lights OKS
Has debts OWES
Havens OASES
Head over heels ENAMORED
It may be interpretive DANCE
Key that can lead to a quick exit ESC
Like close friends TIGHTKNIT

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